GEO Dataset

GEO Dataset Dataset details
GDS ID 100006591
GDS Accession GPL6591
Title [pCAR1_8b520435F] Affymetrix CustomExpress IncP-7 plasmid pCAR1 Tiling Array
Summary This is an Affymetrix custom-commercial tiling array that covers the IncP-7 plasmid pCAR1 (RefSeq: NC_004444) at 9-bp density. BPMAP files are provided as supplementary files. pCAR1_8b520435FF-3.bpmap represents the forward strand of pCAR1, and pCAR1_8b520435FR-3.bpmap represents the reverse strand of pCAR1. Protocol: See manufacturer's web site.
Expression Profiles 0
Number of Samples 46
GEO Series GSE15217 ; GSE72638 ; GSE
Taxon Pseudomonas


Name[pCAR1_8b520435F] Affymetrix CustomExpress IncP-7 plasmid pCAR1 Tiling Array
Technology Typein situ oligonucleotide

GEO Samples

GEO Accession Condition