Advanced Annotation Search

You may use this form to search annotations using a wide range of search fields and filtering capabilities. Additionally, you may wish to search the updates log of all database updates. By default, wild cards (partial words/names) are enabled for all searches but take longer to perform than an 'exact' search.

Start typing and select a strain from the list (optional)

(Clear/Search All)

Specify search fields and keywords:

Filter results (optional but must specify a strain)

Filter transposon mutants:
Filter human homologs:
Filter drug targets:
Filter proteins with 3D structures:

Subcellular localization

(Press CTRL while clicking to select multiple localizations)
Localization Confidence:
(Press CTRL while clicking to select multiple confidence values)

Limit by Gene Length

Length greater than x bp:
Length less than x bp:

Search Hint

We also recommend, as a complement to searching the annotations, that you search, using BLAST , for homologs to a protein of interest, to find additional genes/proteins of interest that may have annotations that don't show up in your annotation search (i.e. if you want all homologs of a particular membrane protein, but the particular membrane protein has been named differently by different Pseudomonas Genome Projects). From a BLAST search you can also select genes/proteins of interest for further study, and compare them using the Compare feature with other genes/proteins you hold on your clipboard.